Samoan$71881$ - traducción al holandés
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Samoan$71881$ - traducción al holandés

Samoan Australian; Samoan-Australian
  • Thomastown]], Melbourne

n. Samoaan, bewoner v. d. eilandengroep in de Stille Oceaan; Samoaans, de taal


·noun An inhabitant of the Samoan Islands.
II. Samoan ·adj Of or pertaining to the Samoan Islands (formerly called Navigators' Islands) in the South Pacific Ocean, or their inhabitants.


Samoan Australians

Samoan Australians refers to Australian citizens or residents who are of ethnic Samoan descent or people born in Samoa but grew up in Australia. However, there are many New Zealand-born Samoans living in Australia, known as Samoan New Zealand Australians. Most Samoans in Australia live in Sydney, Brisbane and Melbourne. Most people of Samoan heritage speak Samoan as their first language.